NextWaveSTEM | Advanced Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence | We Teach | Designed for learners in Grades 9-12

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Course Description:

Students will learn the basics of Python and Artificial Intelligence to create a variety of "smart" projects involving art, games, and chatbots! No previous coding experience is required for this course.

We Teach Includes

  • Equipment - 1 classroom set of equipment
  • Curriculum - 1-Year License, 15 lesson hours + supporting materials
  • Support - 1-Year ongoing product and curriculum support
  • Professional development – 2 Hours of professional development with a live instructor
Introduction to Python and AI Introduce the foundational concepts of Artificial Intelligence and coding with
Python 3.
Python Basics with the Turtle Library Create a basic Python project and code a simple picture-drawing program.
Python Basics: Loops and Automation Use for loops and the turtle library to create complex geometry that would
otherwise be impossible to code.
Python Basics: Functions and Efficiency Define functions in Python, then use pre-made functions with the turtle library
to draw a variety of images.
Python Basics: Variables and User Input Make a smart program that "reacts" to user input by storing information and
running various functions
Python Basics: Think Like a Human:
Use conditionals to make a program "make decisions".
Chatbots: Printing and Inputs in Python Learn the foundations of chatbots by using the “print” and “user input” commands
Chatbots: A Talking Calculator Create a “smart calculator” by storing user input and responding to prompts.
Chatbots: Smart Apps with
Create a smart “travel agent” chatbot that asks questions and makes decisions
Games with Numbers Code basic Python games that utilize numbers, such as a “lottery” game
Games with Words Code an interactive “Choose Your Own Adventure” game in Python
Games with Graphics Use Python and the turtle library to code a “ping pong” game with graphics
Games that Learn Interact with basic AI concepts such as "minimax" that allow games to learn and
improve over time
Create your own Game Apply knowledge of number based, text based, graphic based, and "smart" games
to create a unique Python game
AI and Beyond: Advanced Explore deeper AI concepts such as: Deep Learning, Neural Networks, and AI Ethics



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